Tuesday, November 25, 2008

+Arriving and Departing+

I was in *$'s (it's code for Starbucks, it's a star * plus a dollar sign for bucks $'s... haha) the other day and I overheard a really good conversation that got me thinking. An older man, probably about mid 60's walked in, ordered a drink, smiled at me as if to say hello, and proceeded to sit in a comfy chair in a corner while waiting for his drink. I was drawn to him immediately. There was an air about him that was really attractive. No, I'm not gay. I promise. But there was just a presence about this man that I was drawn to. I watched him very carefully as a he sat down. He crossed his legs and then began reading a novel he had brought.
He reminded me a lot of my grandfather. Sounds weird right? Some random man, walks into Starbucks, and I stalk him while he reads his novel. It took me a second to figure out why I was drawn to him. The reason he reminded me of my grandfather was because he had the character of someone who just loved life and loved people. If you ever knew my grandfather, he was known as someone who was always very relaxed. His type of entertainment was reading a good book or engaging in conversation. He was the kind of person you could go to for anything. You could tell him anything and everything and he would just smile or laugh or give advice. He never, and I mean never, treated you differently no matter what you told him. He loved unconditionally. I don't know why, but somehow this random man at Starbucks reminded me of him.
Anyway, after about a couple of minutes, the man's name was called (I could not remember his name to save my life), and he got up to retrieve his drink. Immediately after getting his drink, he began talking to the batista (I think that's what you call them) almost as if they were good friends. However, both of their body languages said otherwise. I forgot what was first said, but somehow the conversation ended up on the subject of "Departial and Arrival." The guy behind the counter was describing the constant state of movement from one place to another. For example: When you leave your house to go somewhere, you depart from your house, but you arrive outside. Or when you get in your car after leaving your house, you depart from being outside and arrive inside your car. So you are always arriving to or departing from somewhere.
This got my mind racing. Then the thought came to mind, "is there a place where I am never arriving or departing?" I had to think for a while... I probably sat there for about ten minutes pondering over this question. "Where could I go that I would never depart or arrive?" I was stumped. My mind changed directions after the man got up from his seat and left. I then began asking myself again, why I was drawn to that man. There had to be something more. What was the connection?
Then it hit me... and it was awesome. The only place that I could not arrive to or depart from was God's love. God's love for me would never change directions. It would always be constant. I would never have to arrive or depart from it. It would always be there. Then I finally made the connection to the man. The man reminded me of my grandfather and my grandfather reminded me of God. I wasn't drawn to the man because he reminded me of my grandfather, but because his character reminded me of my ultimate father.
I knew without a doubt that my grandfather loved me the same if not more no matter what I told him. I was awestruck when I made the connection. Just like my grandfather's love, God's love was the same no matter what. Not only does he love us unconditionally, but he has loved us all of his existence. He has and will love us longer than we can put a number on. I've always known that, don't get me wrong, but I guess I had to be reminded.... but don't we all! How cool is it to think about a God that loves us the same, and no matter what we think, say, or do... he still give us grace, he still loves us without ceasing, and he will for the rest of eternity. We will never arrive or depart unto or from his love. It's always been and will be there.

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